World No Tobacco Day 2024: 20 cigarettes a day is reducing life span by 13 years, electronic cigarettes also have a bad effect on health

The body is seriously harmed by tobacco use. Even with this knowledge, a lot of people still eat it. We’re going to explain to you how tobacco use leads to addiction on this World No Tobacco Day. According to statistics, tobacco use causes 1.35 million deaths in the nation each year.

  • Any kind of tobacco usage can lead to cancer.
  • A person who smokes 20 cigarettes a day shortens their life by 13 years.
  • Chewing tobacco can lead to head and neck cancer, particularly in the mouth.
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Delhi, New: People who use tobacco get hooked to it. Initially, it causes illness, and ultimately, there’s a chance of dying. According to statistics, tobacco use causes 1.35 million deaths in the nation each year. People who smoke 20 cigarettes a day have a 13-year lower life expectancy on average, and 23 percent of them die before they turn 65. Saima Wazed, the regional director for WHO’s South East Asia, stated that the topic for this year is protecting kids from tobacco companies’ influence. This year’s focus is to safeguard kids from tobacco use, according to Dr. GC Khilnani, director of the PSRI Institute of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. This is significant since, among smokers, nine out of ten started smoking before they were eighteen. They’ve already developed an addiction by the time they realize the negative repercussions.

Tobacco is a cause of cancer

Any sort of tobacco smoking can cause cancer in any organ, including the mouth, throat, and lungs, as well as the stomach, pancreas, kidney, and bladder, according to Dr. Ullas Batra, an oncologist at the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center. While smoking can result in lung cancer, chewing tobacco can cause cancer of the head, neck, and especially the mouth. He said that in his capacity as a pulmonologist, he sees patients with all tobacco-related illnesses and issues. People are still unable to give up smoking. As a result, it’s critical to concentrate on young people and schoolchildren. It’s critical that you inform them. There is no discernible decline in tobacco use despite anti-tobacco advertising. We ought to prevent our kids from consuming tobacco. Preventing the first cigarette (or electronic cigarette) is the only way to deal with this.

The dangers of electronic cigarettes also exist!

According to Dr. Khilnani, electronic cigarettes—which are illegal in India—which are marketed as a way to assist people kick their smoking habit instead make addiction worse. In Europe, 12.5 percent of kids use e-cigarettes; in the United States, middle and high school students do the same. Addiction to vaping, or electronic cigarettes, is rising quickly among young people. Mothers Against Vaping, a coalition of worried mothers, planned a program in Delhi to address vaping. Its goal was to prevent new addictions in the coming generation. Mothers from many places pledged to protect children from the influence of the global tobacco business in this.

Children are susceptible to becoming hooked to alluring electronic addictions such as e-cigarettes, according to clinical psychologist Dr. Bhavana Barmi. The primary cause of this is the advertising and packaging strategies used by the producers of these contemporary gadgets. In partnership with the Nanoved Research Foundation, Sharda University has announced the completion of a successful clinical experiment. Researchers from Sharda University including Drs. Deepak Bhargava, Vidyadevi Chandavarkar, and Mithilesh Mishra have conducted a nanotechnology-based experiment that suggests smokers can be protected by lowering the amount of carbon monoxide in their lungs. This mixture contains curcumin, which is derived from turmeric and is useful in avoiding smoking-related illnesses.

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